I can't believe that after 24 years this still fits me and I'm so glad it does. I dug out the Holiday 1983 issue of Vogue Knitting this was in and was looking at the chart for it. I'm wondering if I'd have better technique now that I've been knitting off and on the better part of my life. All I remember was I had to knit combo style...left hand Continental, right hand English style. The yarn I used was Reynold's Town & Country wool since we were unable to find the Penguin wool it called for.
Don't you love the top of my hair how it's all burnt off? It was shorter than this, it's growing back. I'm still not sure what we're doing...if I can stay platinum or what. I hope I can, I love the white hair and don't want to stop.
I thought while I was at it, I'd take another shot in the bloody Tumbling Blocks sweater. It looks so cool but I hated every frickin' stitch of it.

I sat on the sofa watching that old movie, FAME, that came out in 1980. I was dying for Chris to go away so I could watch it. This movie started it all for me..my love of New York City, my burning desire to perform, my refusal to really look outside the arts for a career, my introduction to the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I love the movie but it depresses me in a big way. Back as a teenager there was a panicked sense of urgency that I HAD to do it and do it right then or I'd miss my chance. I did what I could with acting classes and bands and what not but not ever really being taken seriously and being too young to really do anything about it, it just...well....I'm not going down that road again. As a middle aged fart, it hit me differently tonight. I cried a lot (I knew I would) but the urgent panic was replaced with a calmer sense of feeling I'd let myself down. My time is past and "entertainment" isn't what it was back then. Celebrities are a dime a dozen. The trash calling themselves "stars" is vomit inducing. Because you are a media whore and don't mind having your naked crotch plastered on the internet and tabloids as you get out of a car does not make you a star. It makes you a pig. If that's the attention you're looking for, it's pretty pathetic.
Anyway...this is about knitting, not anger LOL! I'm debating weather to watch it again with the commentary because I know I'll not watch it again until the next time Chris goes away which probably won't be till Christmas.
I pulled out that Perry Ellis cable sampler again. I started it a while back and have met with disaster every time I've knit it. THis is it...I'm half way up the front the last time I put it down. I tested my gauge and it is still spot on so I'm gonna give it one more go. If I fuck it up this time I will burn the yarn and probably that issue of Vogue Knitting so I won't ever be tempted to make it again LOL! I want this sweater so bad.....
Guess that's it for now. There's a lot more swirling in my head but I can't gather my thoughts to get them out. I'm sailing down a reverie that's taking me back to the early 80's and it feels good...melancholy but good.
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