Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Do I need a title?

I can't think of one. My friend Kyra told me about a new podcast, Lime & Violet so I put the link there on my sidebar. I only have listened to one episode but it seems kinda fun. I like it.

Some stuff going on but I'm tired of complaining. I'm destined to be certifiable before I can move from this skanky slum I live in. I don't sleep much, I'm at wits end but I chug on. Let's just say after life hands you lemons, it then hands you steaming piles of dog shit. You know how in the winter there' need to go there.

I'm hoping I can have a clear enough head to do some knitting today. Kyra told me about some Jade Sapphire on e bay so I bought the whole lot...I have 5 hanks of the stuff heading my way. I should be happy but I'm too numb.

Anybody know how safe or authentic those places are on the web that offer Valium without a prescription?

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