Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I'm In!!! I'm In!!!

So I got my Ravelry invite this morning when I was down my grandfather's painting swatches on the wall to pick a colour to paint the kitchen and den. I took a break and checked via my iPhone and it said my invite had arrived. Freakin' cool is all I can say. There's so much there....I started putting my stash in but it's gonna take a lot of photos and time to organise myself there.

I'm kinda bummed tho...there's a NYC knitters group....I know it's dumb since I don't live there but REALLY wanna be a NYC knitter. Can't I be an honorary member? This whole NYC thing is going to gnaw away at me until I draw my final breath on this planet. Maybe in my next life I'll be fortunate enough to call NYC home for real. I do now even tho I don't live there LOL!

Anyway, I finished the Rowan Atmosphere sweater. I'm going to see if I can get it blocked tomorrow and then I can stitch it together and wear it. Well, assuming the winter isn't full of 92 degree days like tomorrow is supposed to get. We had started to get a chill in the air and I was getting all into the fall and here we go back into hot, humid August weather. I have my frickin' Halloween decorations up! I guess that's what I get for decoratin' early. Hey, this Witch can't wait! Autumn is my favourite season.

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