Since I've been cleaning out my grandparents apartment in hopes of renting it, MY place has become a shithole. Boxes EVERYWHERE. If this is only a few things from my grandparents' place, I shudder to think what it will look like when we move from this dump.
In any event, the knitting books my grandmother had have been wild. A LOT of patterns, and I do mean A LOT. It's sort of bitter-sweet to look back when the newspaper had a "Chatters" column where knit & crochet patterns were exchanged-my gram has a lot of patterns clipped from newspapers. One upon a time, even magazines like Family Circle, Good Housekeeping and Woman's Day had free patterns as well. Those were the days. I guess it's too much to ask to have a pattern or two when there's more pressing issues in life such as how, when, and where to have sex. I guess I am an is overrated, I'd much rather knit any day of the week. No mess to clean up, no sweaty sheets to change and there's something to show for your time.

I was thinking of trying to make a book with the newspaper clippings, sort of like the Griffin & Sabine books. If you've not read those. Griffin & Sabine is a very tactile read. It's a series of letters written back and forth between the two characters. You open envelopes of different sorts on each page and pull out & unfold a "letter" to read. Not sure how I'd do that with knitting patterns but take a look at some of the prices on these books. You couldn't even buy a single pattern for this price today.

I go to get my roots bleached today....this SHOULD be the day I turn totally white. We'll see. He better be less rough and messy than the last time or he's gonna hear about it.
HA! I just saw we can now add video clips. Hmmm, Chris got a clip of me on a coaster this weekend-I'll have to try that later.