Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Sentimental fool

That's me. I decided rather than sell my grandmother's hutch, I'd keep it myself and put yarn and knitting stuff in it. My dad helped me bring it back to my place, there's just too much history attached to this to sell it. So I've got some yarn in there and will load more up. The drawer will be good for notions and the bottom has books. I dunno about you but I think there needs to be some 100% angora up there on the top shelf to keep the alpaca company.

I'm finding it harder and harder to go there and do the work to get it up to speed to rent. It's cold and empty and it's so odd to flash back to when it was filled with laughter and fun and good smells from whatever my grandmother was cooking or times I slept over there. Today I wanted to run home and take a couple Xanax and just forget but I didn't.

But to sort of help with the feelings, the UPS man delivered these today:

I got my Harmony from Knit Picks :-) These needles are nice freakin' awesome! I almost want to start using circulars to knit everything just to use them but I am a bigger fan of straights.

It's weird, while looking at these needles, my mind began to wander and I started to think how when I was a little tyke, this time of year was cold and there were pretty coloured leaves on the ground, after school we'd be outside playing and the air would smell of burned leaves and you could see smoke curling up from the chimneys along the street. The world is so different now. I'm not sure I like it.

I got an idea for a short story, a few 'fans' (that sounds weird) wrote asking about this fabled book I started writing in the 90's. While it's too large to put up on the erotica site, they gave me an idea for a short story on how the two main characters met. I didn't hit on any of that when I started writing it, just jumped right in. Now I need to try and make some time to write it. I'm kind of excited about that. Which also calls to mind that I've not touched Harry Potter in a few weeks....I need to get reading as there's lots more books waiting for me to read them.

Wow, I had all this stuff I planned to write about and I'm drawing a total blank now.

Now playing: Elton John, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

Feeling: Melancholy

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